Hailing from Nijmegen in the Netherlands, Antillectual play a socially conscious, melodic blend of punk rock that incorporates influences from every sub-genre of the scene to create something new and different. Blending stolen riffs and borrowed songs but not sounding like anything else you’ve ever heard. They play Anllectual music.
Except this time, on the Covers EP Antillectual do sound like other bands, albeit in their own inimitable fashion. They sound like the Police, the Stooges, Blondie and the Ramones. Or rather they sound like those bands would have done if they’d been channelled through this fiercely independent Dutch punk rock trio.
You may think you’ve heard these four songs before. You might even think that you know these songs. But you’d be wrong on both counts. Because you haven’t heard these songs until you’ve heard Antillectual tear through and turbo charge them. Iggy, Debbie, Joey and Gordon would love every note on this record and we think you will too.

Mangorave : https://mangorave.blogspot.com/2020/05/ep-review-antillectual-covers-ep-2020.html
Antillectual's newest release is a 7'' Vinyl containing four cover versions. The idea the Dutch band had was to cover four songs that had a strong impact on early day Punk Rock. Instead of paying hommage to the bands that influenced the Nijmegen-based trio themselves, they preferred going back to the beginnings of Punk Rock Culture. The outcome are four classics reinterpreted in the melodic and somewhat Mod-influenced style of Antillectual.
The cover arwork by Andy Dahlström shows four pictures of Antillectual which are based on the four originals. The beautiful thing about this cover is that you can wrap it around the vinyl record whatever way you want. It will always show two of the artworks.
First song is 'Truth hits everybody' by The Police. The song released in 1978 by Sting, Andy Summers and Stewart Copeland comes in a dynamic new version that does not deny its original melodic sound. Antillectual perfectly hit the interface between Mod, Pop and Punk Rock.
Next up 'I believe in Miracles' from the Ramones' eleventh studio album "Brain Drain" (1989). Ramones fans might know that this is not the first time the song was covered. Andy Vedder, Zeke and Pearl Jam love to play that one, too. Tempo and intensity of Antillectual's version are pretty close to the original, but the Dutch trio rewrote the song more melodic and the chorus is way more harmonic.
The B-Side begins with 'Hanging on the Telephone', written by Jack Lee and performed by The Nerves on their self-titled EP in 1976 and later covered by Blondie in 1978. The version by Antillectual is beautifully dynamic Mod Punk. Music for missed calls and canned beers. The Surf Rock impact from The Nerves' version was almost completely abandoned. Instead, Antillectual's 'Hanging on the Telephone' is closer to Blondie's version - even the ringing of the phone was implemented in form of a vibration alarm. But still, Antillectual's version is way more Punk Rock.
Last but not least, one of the biggest classics for early-day or Proto-Punk. 'Search and Destroy' by The Stooges from their third album "Raw Power" (1973). Not as fuzzy, not as rusty as the original the Dutch trio reinterpretes the Anti-War song. If The Stooges were Mods and they would record the track in contemporary days this might be what it could sound like.
Planning a Punk Rock Party soon? The "Covers EP" should be part of it.
New Noise : https://newnoisemagazine.com/news-antillectual-to-release-covers-ep/
Antillectual will release Covers EP comprised of, you guessed it, covers. The four-song set features the band’s melodic, orgcore punk renditions of cuts from The Police, The Ramones, The Nerves, and The Stooges.
The cover art (see above) by Andy Dahlström gives a stellar preview of what’s to come with the band remaking classic artwork associated with each release (“Hanging Up The Telephone,” though originally by The Nerves, is immortalized via Blondie’s Parallel Lines rendition).
“When the cover idea surfaced, we didn’t feel like covering the bands we grew up on” says vocalist/guitarist Willem. “Most of them are still around or reunited. It seemed much more interesting to go back some more generations and find early punk songs with a melodic vibe to them.”
The self-released EP will be pressed on black 7″ vinyl and is a joint label release. (It will be distributed in North America via Thousand Islands Records).
Salad Days : http://www.saladdaysmag.com/antillectual-returns-with-covers-ep/
Dutch veteran punk rockers Antillectual are back with a new release entiled ‘Covers EP’.
The band’s first new material in 4 years consist of 4 re-recorded classic punk songs: ‘Truth Hits Everybody’ (The Police), ‘Hanging On The Telephone’ (The Nerves, Blondie), ‘I Believe In Miracles’ (Ramones) and ‘Search And Destroy’ (The Stooges).
Singer/guitarist Willem explains:
“When the cover idea surfaced we didn’t feel like covering the bands we grew up on. Most of them are still around or reunited. It seemed much more interesting to go back some more generations and find early punk songs with a melodic vibe to them.”
The cover artwork consists of adaptations of the four original layouts, re-designed by Andy Dahlström (Satanic Surfers). The rhythm section was recorded live by the band’s sound engineer Emiel Thoonen. Vocals, guitars and hammond are recorded by legendary Dutch producer Menno Bakker (NRA, Seein Red, Undeclinable Ambuscade) at Amsterdam Recording Company. Dubs and edits are kept to a minimum, this is as raw/unpolished as Antillectual gets in the studio. The self-released album is available via the most popular digital platforms and on classic black 7-inch via the band’s website, with a distribution partnership here in North America with Thousand Islands Records. Additional international distributors include Mud Cake Records (Germany), Lockjaw Records (UK), Engineer Records (UK), White Russian Records. Morning Wood, No Reason (Italy), Shield and Fond Of Life. Because of the current corona crisis Antillectual can’t promote the release with live concerts, instead they will throw a live online release party via Facebook and Instagram on Friday May 15 with acoustic renditions and a Q&A.
Thoughts Words Action : https://thoughtswordsaction.com/2020/06/01/antillectual-covers-7-various-labels/
Antillectual is returning back with the highly anticipated Covers EP. This politically-charged punk rock trio has been a powerful catalyst for intelligent melodic music for quite a while. The group solely focuses on the importance of being socially aware in the times when mankind easily lacks compass over its actions. Their music serves loads of thoughtfully detailed insights on how to prevail the problems of contemporary society, and reach a harmonious outcome for all the participants. Antillectual has provided their thoughts on these topics through numerous full-length records and singles, distributed by loads of great recording labels, so their message has been heard all over the globe. However, this time Antillectual has decided to experiment with a slightly different approach, so they alerted all the possible participants to crowdfund their highly anticipated Cover 7” record. The band has discreetly picked four numbers they grew up listening to and decided to cover some prominent heavyweights such as The Police, Ramones, Blondie, and The Stooges. The record commences with Truth Hits Everybody by The Police. Antillectual did the incredible work on this particular composition mainly because they’ve changed the song structure and arrangements a little bit. The guitars have been drenched into a very notable chorus effect, so the harmonizations are leveled up with a detailed dreamy ambiance. The rhythm section sounds firm and precise, and their excellent performance empowered this amazing song even more. I Believe In Miracles by the Ramones is coming up next, and the chorus effect is less notable but still present in the mix. The basslines are more hearable on this composition, while the drumming segments are coming nearly to the original song. The group left the arrangements intact, but they certainly provided their renowned melodic accent, so the composition comes approximately to the characteristic Antillectual sound. Hanging On The Telephone by Blondie begins in all its glory on the other side of this distinctive cover record. Willem outstandingly performed vocals on this number, and the remainder of the group follows up with marvelous musicianship. This particular composition has been empowered by the detailed performance on the Hammond organ that fulfills the aforementioned musicianship with pleasant ambiance. Search & Destroy by The Stooges provides closure to this part of the record. Antillectual has decided to go full blast on this number. This version grasps the rawness of the original song, but the group soaked it into generous chord progressions. Antillectual grasped both richness and aggression of the original tune with even more harmonics on the plate. The group has covered favorite bands that shaped their musical background and uplifted these songs on an entirely new level. These recordings will suit to the loyal fans of these bands, but also to the faithful admirers of the Antillectual’s recognizable sound. The Covers EP has been backed up by various labels such as Fond Of Life Records, Geenger Records, Guerilla Asso, Lockjaw Records, Morning Wood Records, NoReason Records, Mud Cake Records, Shield Recordings, Thousand Islands Records, White Russian Records, Keep it a Secret, Lensen Industries, Bad Mood Asso and SBÄM. Check out these labels for availability or purchase directly Antillectual web store.
Kraykulla : https://kraykulla.wordpress.com/2020/05/19/review-antillectual-covers-e-p/
Legendary veteran Dutch punks Antillectual released their brand new e.p. consisting of four cover songs done in an interesting way, and interesting choice of bands. The cover of the single is a beatiful take on original covers, done by Andy from Satanic Surfers. The choice of covers is interesting, being Blondie, Police, Stooges and Ramones. The Ramones song is somehow least interesting for me, being too similar to the original version, although it is an everlasting anthem. The best one is Police cover and Stooges cover, like these new versions gave the new energy and new vigour to the originals. Nice bringing these evergreen hits to the crowds of the new kids in the scene. Good one.
The Punk Site : https://thepunksite.com/reviews/ep-review-antillectual-covers-ep/
Suffer magazine : http://www.suffermagazine.com/antillectual-disponibile-lep-covers/
That's Good Enough For Me : https://thatsgoodenoughforme.com/antillectual-releases-new-covers-ep-covers-ep/
Punkanormal Activity : https://www.punkanormalactivity.com/2020/05/12/antillectual-announce-release-of-covers-ep/
Away From Life : https://www.awayfromlife.com/antillectual-veroeffentlichen-covers-ep/
ZonaPunk : https://zonapunk.com.br/2020/05/12/antillectual-lanca-seu-ep-de-covers/
Get On The Stage : https://getonthestage.com/antillectual-covers-ep/
SkatePunkers : http://www.skatepunkers.net/2020/05/antillectual-stream-new-ep-covers-ep.html
Three Chord Wonders : https://threechordwonders.blogspot.com/2020/05/gastlistan-andy-satanic-surfers-andy.html
Distrolution : https://www.distrolution.com/antillectual-are-back-with-a-new-release-entiled-covers-ep/
Vinyl Keks : https://vinyl-keks.eu/antillectual-the-covers-vinyl-single/