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Kid You Not

Hailing from Saint Augustine, Florida, Kid You Not write catchy hooks that stick deep and rock had while belting out emotionally driven punk rock in the vein of bands like Neckscars, Tired Radio, Iron Chic, Hot Water Music, Spanish Love Songs and The Menzingers. Their third album, Here’s to Feelin’ Good All the Time bursts with ten tracks of powerful positiveness underlined with singalong melodies.

Kid You Not’s Here’s to Feelin’ Good All the Time was released in the USA on both Sell The Heart Records and Bypolar Records and Engineer Records inn the UK and Europe on 14th October 2022.

Patrick Drury: Guitar, Vocals
Justin Pritchard: Bass guitar, Backing vocals
Ben Bennett: Guitar, Backing vocals
Nick Shoaf: Drums


Find more about Kid You Not:

Sell The Heart Records (USA)

Bypolar Records (USA)

  • Kid You Not on Instagram
  • Kid You Not on Facebook



Scene Point Blank:

Brimming with coarse, sing-your-throat-raw gang vocals, this isn't circle pit punk rock or sweat-away-your troubles as you pogo punk.  It's moody punk that matches words with the tone in an endless search for meaning that cynically gives up and settles for finding identity in a big cathartic chorus instead.

Punk News:

Abandoning abrasive angst in the face of melody, intricate guitar work, and a sort of depressive hopefulness. While not shying away from branching into emo and pop punk, Kid You Not retains all the aggression and rawness you'd expect from a punk rock band.

Uplifting, melancholy-infused punk anthems that make you want to punch a hole in the air with your fist while hugging a bear and whoever has the misfortune of standing close to you.

Release Wave:

The kind of stuff that goes over well in a small club to a bunch of sweaty packed in kids singing along with their fists in the air!

Download press sheet here
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