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Signal Chords check out the new Atlantic Union Project vinyl

Signal Chords received the new '3,482 Miles' EP by The Atlantic Union Project on 12" seaglass vinyl to check out and review, and here's what they posted:

"Have you checked out this record by The Atlantic Union Project yet?

Fans of Post-Punk/Post-Hardcore will be stoked on this band, GUARANTEED!

I know what your probably thinking…”He’s probably getting paid posting this!” Well my friends your wrong. I’m just a fan, like you!

We here at SCHQ have worked with TAUP previously on a few bangers off this record and when I found out it was coming to vinyl, it was a NO BRAINER to snatch it up!

Luckily, being a card carrying vinyl club member of @selltheheartrecords, I didn’t have to explain to the wife why I “bought” another record. This has been paid off since last year

Stoked to finally get my hands on one of my favorite records of the year. Not sure if Andy over at @selltheheartrecords has any more spots available for the 2023 club, but hit him up and tell em, BrAd from @signalchords sent ya!

Much love to Craig @housewithoutwalls Dave @engrecsguy and @shieldrecordingsnl and the rest of TAUP"

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