'Doreen' is the second single taken from The Wolf Howls When I Scream Your Name's upcoming new album 'Grief Songs', due to be released on Engineer Records this autumn.
The video and digital single for this haunting emo track launch today, 26/7/21, with our good friends over at Thoughts Words Action blog and you can check it out there, here or on the bands facebook page.
The song is about personal loss and all the proceeds from this track will be donated to Alzheimer's Research UK
Stream the track on the band's bandcamp https://thewolfhowlswheniscreamyourname.bandcamp.com/track/doreen or spotify now: https://open.spotify.com/track/6xB5Ey6GKYhNEFCkIdHXIW
Doreen - Lyrics
I wanted to see you, but you weren’t there. I needed to feel you, under the skin. I want to console you, but there’s mist in those eyes. I wanted to hold you, like I once did my pride. People will come and go, but nothing seems to replace the smell of smoke from your clothes...
The Wolf Howls When I Scream Your Name are: Matthew Awbery - Guitar and vocals, Harry Woodrow - Bass and Sam Johnson - Drums and backing vocals.
Doreen was written by Matthew Awbery
The 'Grief Songs' album was engineered and produced by Sam Bloor at Lower Lane Studios. Album tracklist: Grief Song, Fryin’ Brains, Clover, Wilting, Your Skins Turned Blue, Guilt, Doreen, Go Away.
TWHWISYN are touring in support of the new album now.
Socials: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheWolfHowls... Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/7qZ8n... YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQgW... BandCamp: https://thewolfhowlswheniscreamyourna... Label: https://www.engineerrecords.com