Two years after their brilliant 'Still Burning' release, Wake The Dead are back in the studio with the ever-patient Florent Salfati recording a new album. So far they have about five songs in the bag and we can't wait for them to get this finished.
For now though you can check out all the Wake The Dead merchandise, and grab one of those cool 'Lone Wolf' shirts, here:
Or watch the lyric video for 'All My Flames' here:
You can also go see them play on Saturday May 28th at the Les Rhinos Féroces - Festival.
The Festival goes on for three days with bands playing 26-28th May including Devil In Me, No Turning Back, Jodie Faster, Wake The Dead, Strength Approach and Heavy Heart.
Tickets and info here:
'Still Burning' is available on vinyl or CD here.