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Ghost Wounds is a band from eastern Pennsylvania featuring ex-members of Speedwell, Meredith Bragg + the Terminals, Carpenter Ant, Sound of Reverse, Wondertaker, and more.

The Slow Apocalypse EP is their debut release. It contains three songs about personal, national, and global devastation.

The EP is available as a three-song digital release and two-song vinyl seven inch and is a split release between Better Living Through Records and Engineer Records.

You can pre-order you copy now.


“Oh they are very sure of themselves, I could tell from the seesaw lolloping of that opening and we need more of its kind in our lives. You know, the kind of band with a personality and an ability to wield riffs like they are going out of fashion. Ghost Wounds go one step further by showcasing a lead singer with a burning desire to turn the heat up on desire. It feels freewheeling and off the leash and completely un-2024 and for that and a lot more reasons it feels like the anthem we have been waiting for for the longest time. Punk is safe for the time being.” - mp3hugger


“...a guitar riff-centric track with a post-grunge feel.” - Secret Eclectic

Ghost Wounds - Slow Apocalypse 7"

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