We're very happy and excited to announce that Eretia, the four piece post-hardcore band from Cantabria, Spain, have joined us and a punk / hardcore label collective to release their debut album 'Quietud' later this year.
This record has been a year in the making and we are extremely lucky to have 18 labels from 10 different countries involved for the vinyl / CD release, as well as Three Moons Records jumping in to release a limited cassette tape too!
The vinyl album should be back from the pressing plant early in December and will be co-released by the following labels: URGENCE DISK RECORDS Engineer Records Pumpkin Records Holy Goat Records Dingleberry records and distribution Araki Records Bus Stop Press Fresh Outbreak Records Salto Mortale Music PASIDARYK PATS records Producciones Tudancas Quebranta Records Sound Like Sundays Records M3s Productions Primitive Noise Producciones Navalla Autoestima Diy Distrolabelbooking
The official release date for all LP/CD/ Cassette and digital formats is 15th December.
Before that Eretia have quite a few gigs lined up and the next will be at the seventh edition of Primitive Noise on Saturday, 8th October alongside Hongo and Drei Affen at Rockbeer Thenew for just 10€!
