This is a great 6 track split, 3 songs each from either band and I believe it was done for last years Fest. Both bands are doing the melodic punk stuff in a HWM kind of style. I’m slightly preferring Neckscars I think, but both bands are really good, and different enough to make the split a worthwhile one. Moonraker have a bit of a Lawrence Arms sound I reckon, all 3 tracks are around the 2.30 minute mark, so no messing about! The sound is good and all 3 songs are top drawer. Neckscars have hints of Avail and Iron Chic maybe and the songs are a tad longer, actually breaking the 3 minute mark! Again production is good. The sleeve has a cool old black and white photo of a man and a Kangaroo having a boxing match, and this comes in cool orange vinyl.
Engineer Records (Si)